Monday, September 7, 2015

For our 10th anniversary this year (wow...did I really just write that...? I'm not sure where our twenties went...) we decided to break with our usual tradition of doing not much and instead do something Much, Much.

Are you familiar with Much, Much?

It's, well, a once in a decade type deal.

Josh planned the whole thing. Or rather, the bare bones of the whole thing. The details and specifics we left up to whim. And we kept the whole thing a secret. Not even E knew where we were headed for.

So on August 29th we boarded the Empire Builder train out of Milwaukee.

As for the rest?

You'll just have to stay tuned, I guess...

We were ready!

That luggage you see there, it's all we took. For 10 days. I'll say it. We were pretty proud of ourselves.

Josh, and me, in the roomette we would call home for quite a few hours.

Our train.

The Mississippi whizzing by.

The view after dark.

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