Saturday, April 13, 2013

Spoon and level

This is Cookie Dough Fudge. And it is delicious. Dangerously so. Especially when eaten on yet another dreary, drizzly day. Especially when eaten off a Wedgwood saucer. 

Look at it sitting there. It seems the very soul of decadence, doesn’t it? But what if I were to tell you there isn’t one ‘bad’ ingredient in it. Not one. No butter. No sugar. No flour or eggs or milk. Don’t believe me? Check out the recipe for yourself. And then make some. 

You don’t have to save it for dreary, drizzly days. (Though good luck finding one that isn’t this April...) And you don’t have to eat it off a Wedgwood saucer. I do however recommend making half a batch to begin with. Because you’ll want to eat it all in about a day and having a smaller quantity might enable you, as it did me, to pace yourself.  And I also recommend freezing it. So it stays more fudge-like and doesn’t start to melt away on you. And also so that you, too, can leave satisfying little teeth marks behind when you bite into it.

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