Friday, June 28, 2013

When the height of summer is upon us and the days are long and the nights are hot; when the whir of the ceiling fan is a constant drone and the shade outside is lush and damp and throbbing with bugs. When the scents of ripe peaches, sun-warmed strawberries, strident basil and freshly mown grass mingle with the taste of chilled lemonade and the florescent flicker of fireflies, that’s when I long for books that perfectly echo the season.

And there are few better than each and every book written by Frances Mayes.
After reading her descriptive prose, interspersed with informative histories, recipes and travel recommendations I find myself truly inspired to make the most of each fleeting day. 

*Pick up what's fresh at the farmers market. 

*Dine outdoors. 

*Sit under the shaded awning of a coffee shop. 


*Light some candles and break out the real napkins.

Suddenly these things fill my to-do list. And they seem a lot more easily accomplished than the usual chores and errands.

So if you’re longing to steep like sun-tea in the endless bounty and beauty of summer, do what I do and read and re-read Frances Mayes.

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