Sunday, June 9, 2013

A brief study on
The Linden Tree.

Linden Trees are beautiful, large, deciduous trees. (And there are quite a few of them growing in Columbus Circle.) In the British Isles they are know as Lime trees and more commonly, in North America, as Basswoods. Their dark green leaves are shiny and heart-shaped and in the summer months clusters of very sweet, almost honey-smelling flowers appear on the branches, drawing lots of bees. Then the pea-like fruit appears, attached to a lighter green petal which serves to act as a sail, carrying the fruit and it's seeds farther from the parent tree. 

The wood of the Linden Tree is lightweight, strong and easy to work with, making it the wood of choice for window blinds. Also, it has exceptional acoustic properties therefore it is used for both of the bodies of electric and bass guitars, as well as many wind instruments.

Linden flowers are used to brew a sweet, medicinal tea beneficial in the treatment of everything from infections to colds to high blood pressure to insomnia. The flowers are also used to flavor honey and perfume linen water.

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