Sunday, June 18, 2017

Kitchen Remodel: Phase 1

The start of it all. Dishwasher removal.

The temporary pile in my basement.

The temporary pile in my garage. It grew daily.

A plaster-dust screen.
It was effective? Somewhat? I think?

Josh's favorite part.
The demolition.
(Meanwhile, I hated it...)

But it has been interesting to see the real
"bones" of our house.
It was truly constructed with
much care and attention to detail.

The basement steps minus their
railing and support beams

A leaking pipe, some faulty wires
and maybe asbestos.
Because you know. Old houses.

Work in the basement stalled for a day so Josh took down our microwave/stove vent/light thing and put up a little temporary light fixture.

Elli has been a huge help and
loves "project time" with her Dad

Aaannnddd just like that the landing
between our side door and the kitchen is gone. 

Building a newer and expanded
At 10 p.m. Like you do


Next, lighting and wiring.
Another late night/early morning project.

Josh cut the steps out of their cemented
in our basement floor.
And made no less than 4 versions of
temporary ones, as needed.
This was, with a mere 4 treads,
the best for getting in an ab workout.

The new wall going up. 

Temporary steps up from the
new landing into our kitchen. 

No more steps. Just a ladder. 
Tree house style.

At long last, steps!
Finished 20 minutes before we left
for our annual family vacation.
And left to dry while we were gone.
Thank goodness my friend who came
to feed
our cat is a Rockstar.
And didn't mind navigating

Father's day. 
Spent rehanging this repurposed 
kitchen door.
Josh had to build the new frame.
Reverse the hinges and the bevel.
And the latch.
Pry out part of a sawn-off skeleton key.
And repair the water damaged door bottom.
But it's an original-to-the-house door
and totally worth the work.

Plus he  had to build a cat door. Under the steps.
(This photo was taken before he put it's door on.) 
Spooky's verdict? Pending...

It does come complete with 
it's own tunnel, though.

And there you have it.
All built and installed
and ready for beadboard and paint.


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