Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Things to do when you are finally on the road to recovery after a long illness:

1. Shower.

2. Realize that showering, novel and amazing invention that it is, has gone a long way to restoring some semblance of self respect to your person. But. It has not performed a miracle. So make a hair appointment. ASAP.

3. Put on clothes. Actual clothes. Not pajamas. Not sweat pants. Not even leggings. Grown up person clothes with zippers and buttons and discernible shape.

4. Go out for breakfast. Because there is little more in the fridge than some iffy cucumbers and salsa.

5. Go to the grocery store. (See above.)

6. Buy ice cream. This always helps. Always.

7. Go to the library. Because you have read everything there is to read in your house. Come home with more books than your LL Bean canvas tote can carry.

8. Feel exhausted. And slightly depressed than after only a few necessary errands you feel so exhausted. And depressed. But remember, you are merely on the road to recovery. You are not there yet. Give it time.

9. Eat ice cream. Read. Repeat. As often as needed while giving it time.

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