Saturday, February 23, 2013

Spoon and level

Since going grain-free over a year and a half ago I gave up the dream of ever eating pizza again. Or at least, eating pizza that half-way resembled, in the looks and taste departments, pizza. But as you can see from the picture above my resignation to a pizza-free existence may have been premature. Behold, ladies and gentlemen,  the cauliflower crust. But not just any old cauliflower crust, mind you. Not the shiny, slimy, oozy numbers you see plastered all over Pinterest. I have tried those. They make the prospect of going pizza-free a welcome one. No, this is worlds apart. Crisp. Golden colored. Sturdy. And pretty easy to put together. Now it isn't anything like you ran out and got yourself some Pizza Hut.  But neither is it like you're trying to ingest a soggy cardboard box.

*Recipe @

Note: I made pizza using this crust recipe again this week and this time I put Daiya dairy free cheese on top. While not "technically" Paleo (if has pea protein) I will say it is totally worth it and a very, very tasty addition...

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