Thursday, December 20, 2012

"... powdered sugar sifts over the yard in slow motion, hushed as thought. Bare trees resemble cinnamon sticks... Oh, the smell of fresh baked walls! We frosted its pungent roof with white, until vanilla icicles dribbled from eaves onto gumdrop bushes and bottlebrush trees."

-Diane Ackerman

The first real snow of the season descended upon Columbus Circle today. And it turned the landscape beautifully surreal. Like we were suddenly trapped inside a giant snow globe. The weather was a good excuse to stay in and read books by the Christmas tree, finish decorating the sugar cookies and eat homemade turkey and root vegetable soup. I did get out for a little bit though. I can never resist walking the completely silent, desolate streets during a snowstorm. Nothing else makes you feel quite so brave or adventurous as being out when no one else is. I hope you all enjoy walking in your own "winter wonderlands" this coming weekend.

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