-Leonard Orr
Since moving in 6+ weeks ago our beautiful pedestal bathtub upstairs has been in different stages of disassembly as my husband tried to fix the drain. He must have gone to at least a half dozen hardware and plumbing supply stores and talked to just as many experts about what specific part he needed and how hard it was to find and order. It was starting to look as though we may never have a fully functioning shower AND tub drain upstairs.
Well, just last week while doing some random straightening up of his workbench in the basement he came across a small little metal screw-like piece. And as he analyzed it the heavens opened and the sound of singing angelic choirs filled the air...
Ok. Not really. But my husband did have an "Aha moment". And in a mere half hour the drain was fixed, the tub was put back together, filled with hot water and some votive candles were lit. All so I could have the inaugural soak.
I was speechless.
Then he told me the story about finding the part and being himself speechless, that after so many weeks of fruitless hunting in stores and online and being convinced that we'd have to buy some modern, expensive, plastic thing to replace the whole drain pipe, the one small missing "link" we needed ended up being in our possession all along.
"What I can't figure out is why it was in the basement in a baggie?"
"A baggie you say?" I replied. (Cue sheepish smile.) "I did that..."
"Yeah. But in my defense I did tell you. Remember? I found it in the medicine cabinet upstairs with some extra screw caps for the toilet so I thought it was an extra thing for the toilet and I put it in a baggie in the basement."
"Oh, boy."
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