Saturday, August 15, 2015

Sunday, August 9, 2015

This is when you know, without a doubt, despite your best intentions and your grandest efforts, that a trip to the grocery store just. Can. Not. be put off any longer.

(Dad, avert your eyes...)

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Paleo flatbread. 

It. Is. Amazing.


And as if a chewy, doughy vehicle for anything you want to put into your mouth needs to be improved upon, the recipe (below) is super easy, as well. 

All around win in my opinion. 

Monday, August 3, 2015

This was a few weeks back.

They are my latest blooming Lilies. 
But they are for sure worth the wait.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

E and the Firefighter have both been battling a weird virus for the last month. 

Sore throats. Headaches. Random congestion in that order.

And just about the time one of them shows improvement, the other one starts back over again.

On and on and on.

For going on 5 weeks now.

It. Is. Getting. Old.


This is the morning routine, as of late.

To see if we can't kick this thing for good.

Eucalyptus tea. Raw honey. Mullein tincture. Ghee.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

As if I needed another reason to love shopping at Woodmans...

...they now have local, organic produce.

Hello, golden beets!